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Monday, May 10, 2010

I checked out my WebQuest on my website, then went to the Evaluation page. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and the information was about 135% to 150% too big for the page.  The rest of the pages were exact fits.  The rubric I cut and pasted into this page looked normal to begin with.

How did this rubric information page get to be too large for the page?  I did use a 21" computer at home that I cut and pasted the rubric on.  That should not matter.  I do not know how this happened.

I quickly tried to move margins and the text box parameters to resize the information.   Most of it did not work.  Finally I shrunk it down quite by accident.  Saved it.   Whew!

Cutting and pasting just is not worth it on Google Sites.  The spacing gets off and nothing wants to stay where it is dragged.

Regarding my Evaluation rubric, I cannot get the colors in my titles of the columns to just appear on one line.  It goes right into a triple layer of color, which I did not put there.  I am trying everything I can think of short of re-writing the whole webpage manually.    

The rest is good and I feel great about my entire website project.